We carry out planned system maintenance on Saturday 25th of January between 8 AM and 9 AM, and also on Sunday 26th of January between 8 AM and 2 PM. During that time, you cannot view prices, balances, or submit orders. There may also be other disruptions in the online store. We are sorry for the inconvenience
The Reduced Environmental Impact focus area is about reducing the negative impact of our operations on the environment and our surroundings. The climate threat is of course in focus, as are issues such as streamlining and circularity.
The climate is one of the most important issues of our time. Being able to deliver the same high quality and service, but with a lower environmental impact, is a long-term commitment, as is our other sustainability work. Ahlsell has been working on continuous environmental improvements for many years, but in 2019 and 2020 we took further major steps to address the climate. Among other things, we have committed to the goals of the Paris Agreement and signed up to the construction industry’s Roadmap for Fossil-Free Competitiveness.
Updated: R12 Q4 2021
Total emissions 2020 (CO2 equivalent in tons): 15,902
Total CO2 equivalent Scope 1* (tons): 332
Total CO2 equivalent Scope 2* (tons): 2,152
Total CO2 equivalent Scope 3* (tons): 13,418
Carbon footprint, CO2 equivalent in tons/SEK million turnover: 0.67
Waste (tons) : 5,794
Hazardous waste (tons): 105
Material recycling rate, stores: 59%
Material recycling rate, logistics center: 88%
Energy consumption 2020 (MWh): 46,680
*GHG Scope 1 includes goods transport by own vehicles, work machinery, refrigerants and heating with oil, gas or pellets
GHG Scope 2 includes district heating, district cooling and electricity.
GHG Scope 3 includes goods transport that Ahlsell pays for, as well as business travel (by company car, private car and air).
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