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Construction Logistics for Property Developers

Efficient work, reduced costs and more sustainable construction – discover what our Construction Logistics service can do for you!

Time optimization

A good logistics solution helps you to work smarter and more efficiently. Many common time wasters and unnecessary steps can be eliminated when everything you need is in the right place, at the right time. Planning and structure make it easier to maintain order and control the actual work.

Safe and more sustainable

Proper planning usually means significantly fewer – but more fully stocked – vehicles arriving at the workplace, which reduces carbon dioxide emissions. The fact that the material only arrives when it is to be used in production also improves the work environment and reduces the number of workplace accidents.

Reduced costs

By planning logistics already during the start-up phase, the project becomes more cost-effective. Reducing waiting times and optimizing the manpower will allow everyone to do what they do best. In addition, better structure and planning of all goods deliveries reduces material waste.


Choose how you want it!

To ensure that all parts fit the needs of your project, flexibility is the foundation of our Construction Logistics. You simply choose which services to include. Here we have gathered the different components in a clear menu.

Before: Planning

  • Project management
  • Training support
  • Logistics plan
  • Planning of labeling
  • Logistics system
  • Project/logistics analysis




At our premises: Ordering

  • We receive your order
  • We label your goods
  • We pack and seal your goods
  • We ship your goods





On the way: Delivery

  • Direct delivery
  • Via terminal
  • Logistics coordination
  • Coordination with projects
  • Short-term storage
  • External suppliers
  • Relabeling
  • Delivery calendar
  • Fixed route vehicle

On-site: Arrival

  • Checkpoint – delivery inspection
  • Delivery calendar controls transport
  • Coordination manager
  • Unloading help
  • Carrying assistance to the right place
  • Waste management
  • Digital reporting

At your premises: Structure

  • Operations storage management
  • ShopOnSite
  • Replenishment service
  • Leasing
  • Access control
  • Consignment storage



After: Follow-up

  • Project composition
  • Quantitative measurement based on set goals
  • Sustainability follow-up with CO2 measurement
  • Deviation management



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