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Order lines:

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We carry out planned system maintenance on Saturday 25th of January between 8 AM and 9 AM, and also on Sunday 26th of January between 8 AM and 2 PM. During that time, you cannot view prices, balances, or submit orders. There may also be other disruptions in the online store. We are sorry for the inconvenience

Invoice procedures, supplier

Invoice procedures for Ahlsell’s Suppliers and Partners. Ahlsell receives electronic invoices via Peppol. An agreement with an e-invoice supplier is required to send an e-invoice. For assistance with this, contact our VAN/EDI operator Logiq at servicedesk@logiq.se. e-Invoices can also be sent via the e-invoice operators’ Samtrafik agreement.

Content requirements for e-invoices to Ahlsell Sverige AB – PRODUCT INVOICES

When invoicing product invoices, the invoice must contain:

  • Ahlsell Purchase Order Number
  • Name of Ahlsell’s order processor
Invoicing Information Section in BIS 3.0 Peppol Svefaktura

Purchase order number
Purchase order number for product invoices,
8 digits (numerical characters) starting with 3.
Example: 34561234


AdditionalDocumentReference/cac:ID /
and / or
Line level:

Order processor
Name of order processor at Ahlsell Sverige AB
Example: First and last name


or /Invoice/RequisionistDocumentReference [1]

Content requirements for e-invoices to Ahlsell Sverige AB– EXPENSE INVOICE

When invoicing expense invoices, the invoice must contain:

  • Cost center: 6 characters
  • Name of Ahlsell reference
Invoicing Information Section in BIS 3.0 Peppol Svefaktura
Cost Center
Cost center: 6 characters
Example: 926121
/Invoice/cbc:AccountingCost /Invoice/RequisitionistDocumentReference [1]
Reference/client at Ahlsell Sverige AB
Example: First and last name
/Invoice/cbc:BuyerReference cac:BuyerParty/cac:Party/cac:Contact/cbc:Name or
/Invoice/RequisitionistDocumentReference [2]

e-invoice to Ahlsell Sverige AB (Corporate ID no.: 556012–9206)

Peppol identifier: 0007:5560129206
Corporate ID no.: 556012-9206
Operator: Logiq
Corporate ID number: 5560129206
GLN: 7300009003013


Content requirements for e-invoices to Ahlsell AB (publ) - EXPENSE INVOICE

When invoicing expense invoices, the invoice must contain:

  • Cost center: 6 characters
  • Name of Ahlsell reference
Invoicing Information Section in BIS 3.0 Peppol Svefaktura
Cost Center
Cost center: 6 characters
Example: 926121
/Invoice/cbc:AccountingCost /Invoice/RequisitionistDocumentReference [1]
Reference/client at Ahlsell AB
Example: First and last name
/Invoice/cbc:BuyerReference cac:BuyerParty/cac:Party/cac:Contact/cbc:Name or
/Invoice/RequisitionistDocumentReference [2]

e-invoice to Ahlsell AB (publ) (Corporate ID no.: 556882–8916)

Peppol identifier: 0007:5568828916
Corporate ID no.: 556882-8916
Operator: Logiq
Corporate ID number: 5568828916


Content requirements for e-invoices to Quimper AB – EXPENSE INVOICE

When invoicing expense invoices, the invoice must contain:

  • Cost center: 6 characters
  • Name of Ahlsell reference
Invoicing Information Section in BIS 3.0 Peppol Svefaktura
Cost Center
Cost center: 6 characters
Example: 926121
/Invoice/cbc:AccountingCost /Invoice/RequisitionistDocumentReference [1]
Reference/client at Quimper AB
Example: First and last name
/Invoice/cbc:BuyerReference cac:BuyerParty/cac:Party/cac:Contact/cbc:Name or
/Invoice/RequisitionistDocumentReference [2]

e-invoice to Quimper AB (Corporate ID no.: 559155-5551)

Peppol identifier: 0007:5591555551
Corporate ID no.: 559155-5551
Operator: Logiq
Corporate ID number: 5591555551


Invoicing Information

  • Ahlsell Sverige AB, Ahlsell AB (publ) and Quimper AB are affiliated with Peppol and your invoices must be sent to us that way in Peppol BIS 3.0 format https://docs.peppol.eu/poacc/billing/3.0/
  • E-invoices can also be sent as Samtrafik/Interconnect via your EDI operator (Peppol BIS 3.0 or Svefaktura)
  • Attachments in PDF format can be attached to the e-invoice

Thank you for contributing to a sustainable and digital invoice flow to Ahlsell!

If you are currently unable to send e-invoices, please contact Logiq to find a solution: servicedesk@logiq.se

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